Friday, December 26, 2008

Heading to the Dominican Republic.

At 10:45 am tomorrow morning (Dec 27, 2008) i will be on a plane headed for the Dominican Republic. Yes, i am excited as always because we will be sharing Jesus with thousands of people and we have asked God to move in mighty ways.

i am pretty sure i will be able to blog from this location, unlike the river trip last time in keep up with us daily to see what God is doing in the D.R. i covet your prayers for this trip and for my family at home.

i love you all,

Saturday, December 20, 2008

7 Days Until D.R. Trip. Click on Picture to Enlarge it.

These are exciting days for Go World Missions, Inc. We are only a few short days away from embarking on a journey to the Dominican Republic. We will arrive late on the 27th of December and our work begins early on the 28th with training leaders in evangelism from 8am-12pm every day. After lunch at 1pm, we will take the training to the streets (every day)to apply what was learned in the morning sessions. Then every person we speak to will not only hear the Gospel, but will also be invited to open air preaching every night in 8 different preaching points around Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Gospel will be taught and shared and preached many times in the course of this 10 day trip. It will be preached loud and clear in their own language, so i ask for your prayers for me to preach clearly the Word of God. Pray for a massive harvest of souls. i wish no one would depart this life and be separated for all eternity in hell.....the price has been paid....i pray people will respond to God's invitation and come and become brand new!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Closer And Closer To The Goal! Only $600 Needed To Fully Fund Trip!

Thank You Jesus! God is amazing and able to do all of the things we think are impossible. He once again is providing for us to GO to a land where there are many who do not yet know Jesus and do not have a church on every corner to tell them..........Pray for our work here in the D.R. that it would be fruitful and that God will be magnified!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Doors of Opportunity for GWM, Inc. opening in Russia .......Click map to enlarge.

God has given us yet another opportunity to join with brothers and sisters in Christ in Russia. We have set our sites on beginning an on going ministry with these fellow church planters in May of 2009. God is at work and we are joining Him in this area of the world believing He is desirous to do great and mighty things.The fields are right for planting new churches. We sense God's leadership to be involved in this area and we will move forward by faith. You may want to be a part of GWM, Inc. to this area of the world, or you may want to sponsor GWM, South and Central America......or our upcoming work through GWM, well as many other areas. How can you help? Simple, pray for us and help us as the Lord leads.

Reaching the un-reached,

gordon montgomery<><
founder/president GWM,Inc.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Plans for November India Trip need Finalizing

i met Jacob through my good friend Jason Hardage.....and it didn't take long to discover that Jason, Jacob and i had alot in common. We all have a heart for India. India is opening up to the Gospel more and more. It is quickly moving from being categorized as a "closed" country to a more receptive one to the Gospel. So we must be ready to go when God leads and the opportunity arises. Well, it has. Jacob is from India. He lives and works in Bangalore. Hopefully, we will be travelling back with Jacob in mid-late November. We must be very careful not to jeopardize the safety of anyone or anything. Pray for us as we seek out the ones who God draws to Himself for new life. Pray how you might be a part of many coming to Christ in Bangalore, India.

Donors Give Car To Help Spread Gospel

i could hardly believe it when a couple in Olive Branch donated a Nissan Sentra to the ministry of Go World Missions, Inc. They have been long time supporters of GWM and love this ministry that takes the Gospel into responsive areas of the world and helps plant churches where there are none.
Thank you to this dear couple for their faithful support and for their commitment to live by this Biblical truth....."you'll never out-give the One Who owns it all."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Encouragement As We Press On

i read this today and i really needed to be encouraged by these words. Chuck Colson wrote: Most of us have been badly shaken by the tumultuous events of the last 48 hours in Wall Street. If you have an IRA or some kind of retirement plan, no doubt you're licking your wounds. You may even be fearful. I understand. I've experienced those apprehensions myself.

But as I told a worried young man on our team today, we need to remember that fear is always the enemy of faith. A few months ago, in the midst of fervent prayer during my devotions, I had an especially strong realization that my life was completely in God's hands. To live is Christ, to die is gain. I've known that intellectually, but for the first time in my life, it is now engraved in my soul. Now, when things go wrong, I turn to God, pray, trust Him, and feel an amazing peace. I'm His.

And you know what else? The financial markets are His. The world is His. I don't know why it took me 35 years to get this, but I finally have.

Here's something else to remember: God often uses adversity for His greatest blessings-in this case in several ways. Christians are called to do the best things in the worst of times. Take, for instance, the plagues that wracked the Roman Empire.....the doctors and wealthy pagans fled the cities, but the Christians stayed and tended to the sick and dying. That sacrificial love....visible for all to see...fueled the incredible growth of the Church.

Today we have an opportunity to see how the Acts 4 church really works-where Christians help one another through tough times and reach out lovingly to our neighbors.

What's more, there's a great opportunity for you to explain the importance of a biblical worldview to your friends. Because these financial troubles are the direct result of our nation turning its back on God. Simply put, the rise of relativism in postmodern Western life has led to the collapse of a moral consensus. With everyone making up his own rules when it comes to right and wrong, is it any wonder our economic system is under stress?

Michael Novak, the great theologian, has said that Western democratic capitalism is like a three-legged stool, resting on political freedom, economic freedom, and moral restraint. Take away moral restraint, and the stool collapses.

Look at how we reached this crisis: Sensing easy money, Wall Street bundled up mortgages without regard to risk, sold them off, and made a big profit. Risky, even dangerous mortgages were then being offered to people who had little chance of paying them off. And when the housing market slowed and house values went down, the mortgage market began to collapse like-dare I say it...a house of cards.

So this is a time for steady nerves and keeping things in perspective. Take a look out your window. The sky is not falling.

Above all, remember this: God is on His throne. Maybe the "eat, drink, and be merry" attitude of Americans needed a little does the spiritually casual attitude of the Church.

The current troubles are not going to lead to the collapse of the American economy, the strongest in the world. But I do think God is telling us to sober up and get serious about what we invest our money in, what we believe in, and how we live.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Taking the Gospel In

Here we are taking the Gospel to a village on the Mamore' River in Bolivia. A very hard place to get to, but not impossible. This village, like many others has no church of any kind. Some of these villages have 20 people, some have over 400.....AND NO CHURCH......i can hardly stand it. my heart is broken for these people and many others like them all over where there is no Church. Please pray for these people. Pray for them earnestly. Pray that we could return to them in the next month and do as we promised.....start a mission work that will eventually be a church. It is both urgent and imperative that we do. Pray and ask God to show you your part in starting this new Church where there is none.
Thank you for your love and support that enables us to go to remote, responsive areas of the world and give them Jesus!

i love you,

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Little Girl Who Lives on a Boat

i met this precious little girl on our most recent trip to Bolivia. She, along with her whole family (Dad, Mom, brother, and 2 younger sisters) live on a boat. Her village floods every year and they decided that instead of rebuilding every year, that they would build a boat and live on it.......and that they did.

The young girl asked us several times......."when will you come back?" To which we told her......"as soon as we can....sweety". The thing that kills me is...........i know she's waiting......along with many others waiting on us to return to help them. While our main focus is winning people to Jesus....we still want to help as much as we can with physical needs as Jesus would.

Pray for GWM,Inc desperately to receive the funds needed to return next month to help in on going church planting efforts in these areas. Pray we can take these dear people much needed food and medicines as we did on our previous trip....and to continue to cultivate what God is doing there.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Passion of my Heart

John Falconer described the passion of my heart when he said:
"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light." i have yet to hear a statement more true to the mission and ministry of my heart. God instilled that passion in me. Do i love people here?.....absolutely. Do i witness here?....every chance i you? Why do i go to remote foreign places to preach the gospel and help plant churches? The only reason: This is what God has told me to do. Here in the US, there are solid evangelical churches everywhere. Plenty of folks to daily share what God has done in them through the Lord Jesus Christ. So with all of the churches and Christians packed together here in the US.....surely this is the most evangelized place in the God sends people out....out to places where there are no churches, few Christians if Bella Flor in Bolivia....a village of over 400 and NO CHURCH. i don't know what that does to others, all i know is the Holy Spirit moves me to respond to His call to go help plant a church there so that from out of this village, and others like it that are covered in darkness....a Light will Shine.....The Light of the World.....Jesus!! Yea.......that's Him.

Saddle up,


Friday, July 25, 2008

God's Heart.........all people

Amazing!! Where God Guides, He Provides. i have heard that phrase many times and not really been in a desperate enough situation to where i had to totally believe that biblical principle.....until now......i mean really now. If you don't know already, i want to share with you how truly amazing God is. He is everything we need. Every thing we could possibly ever have need of is in Him. The all Sufficient One, Jehovah Jireh, The God Who Provides.

Since March 2008, over 300 families have received food and medical attention through the ministry of Go World Missions, Inc. All of it: God's Provision. He has provided all of the food, medicine, literature, Bibles, Tracts etc... for all of His works. The best that since March 2008, God has given us 109 new believers in Jesus Christ and 3 new mission points in which to help plant churches. Food and Medicine, literature.......all important, but never to be a substitute for the Gospel being shared with all who will hear. i thank God for His favor on this ministry.

So, ya see, you can, "jump out there in the middle of nothing"......that is where faith is!!!....... and having heard God's voice clearly before jumping you can be assured to land right in the middle of His Sovereign plan. It's all about people.....God's heart is people.....His most loved and cherished commodity. Oh, that we should all have a heart like that!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Praise the Lord......71 Saved!

(above).....12 saved at a school including the Teacher and several workers. This is one of our new mission Points!

(below).....Another Mission Point!
4 saved in a village with no church. Plans are being made to change that!
Good Morning.... We are back from Bolivia with great news...Over 300 people received much needed medical attention and food....and out of those, by far most importantly........71 came to know Christ personally as Savior. Hallelujah!!!! We have 3 new Mission points with which to work with. One in particular named Bella Flor (Beautiful Flower) has over 50 families living there......and no church....nothing.....the only Christians there were a man and his wife....they were crying and begging us to help them......they said we could have part of their land if we would come and start a need to ask twice. Prayers and plans are being made right now to see this come to reality within the next couple of months. Thanks to all of you who are a part of Go World Missions, Inc. Thanks for being a conduit to all that God is doing in South America and the world through prayers and support of Church Planting in responsive areas of the world.

Reaching the Un-reached,


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Here we GO!

At 3:05 pm today we will be headed for the Bolivian Amazon. Thank you to God and all of His people who He uses to make the ministry of Go World Missions,Inc. possible. This will be an on-going ministry of Go World MIssions, Inc. in Bolivia and in other parts of Souuth and Central America. What a day to be alive in Jesus for such a time as this!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

8 Days and Counting

In 8 days i will, along with John Michael Poulin, board a flight bound for Bolivia, South America to spend 11 days on the Amazon River on a boat preaching Jesus to as many villages as we can in the time we have there. Why am i so excited about this trip? Because i love missions.....and because of that, i want to thank God for my my good friend and brother Ray Cox and his wife Angie for being used of God early in our lives in the area of missions. Dr. Cox took me on my very first mission trip in 1991 to Bolivia.....i never got over all that God did in me on that first trip. Since then God has led me half way around the world preaching the Gospel. i pray i never get over it........Thanks Dr. and Mrs Cox for investing in us. We love you!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Our Journey outlined in Red

This map will help you get an idea of where we will be. Our course is marked in red.

950 Miles Down River

If you were to drive 950 miles across the USA; and you were to count all of the Evangelical churches along the way, the numbers would be staggering. If you were to take a 950 mile boat trip down the Amazon river and look for the same thing, you would, or should be heartbroken that these people, who God loves and Jesus died for, have little or no gospel witness, let a lone an organized church....i'm not talking brick, mortar and Chandeliers.....i'm talking about the body of believers along with a man that God raises up to lead these people in these ares where a new mission point is established. That is the heartbeat of what Go World Missions, Inc. attempts to do every time we set out on all mission endeavors. And we will be doing it again on the 30th of June-12th of July. A 950+ mile boat trip down the Bolivian Amazon trying to reach as many of the 37 newly located villages in the Beni(near Brazil), Cochabamba, and Chapare areas. God has tremendously blessed us with nearly all of the funds for the relief we will be taking to these people. We will take each village much needed food, clean water, and medicine. Their villages have been ravaged by recent flooding. Many have died. Many remain sick in need of medicine. We will feed them...give them clean water, and our doctor will give them medicine as needed....and then we will joyfully give them The Bread of Life and The Living Water! And we will be able to tell them how that one day all of the food and water that we have brought will be used up and gone, but Jesus THE LIVING WATER is Forever! This will no doubt be an on going ministry to these areas for Go World Missions, Inc. Pray for me and John Michael Poulin (who will accompany me on this trip....a MABTS Graduate) as we team up with the BMA of America, David Flores, and 7 other crew members of this wonderful boat named "Rivers of Blessing".

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 30th-July 12th Amazon Trip

On the 30th of June 2008, GWM,Inc. is headed to the Amazon. We will leave Memphis at 3:05 pm and arrive in Santa Cruz at 7:50 a.m. the next morning. We will go straight from the Air Port in Viru Viru to a small plane that will fly us directly to the boat in Guayaramerin. We will board "Rivers of Blessings" and begin our journey down river meeting up with as many of the 37 villages located on the Amazon. These villages have been severely ravaged by flooding. There is so much sickness here as well as need for food and clean water. Their greatest need in so many cases is salvation.....Go World Missions, Inc. plans to take all of these to them.....especially the message of hope through Jesus Christ! Pray with us and for us , won't you?