Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Doors of Opportunity for GWM, Inc. opening in Russia .......Click map to enlarge.

God has given us yet another opportunity to join with brothers and sisters in Christ in Russia. We have set our sites on beginning an on going ministry with these fellow church planters in May of 2009. God is at work and we are joining Him in this area of the world believing He is desirous to do great and mighty things.The fields are right for planting new churches. We sense God's leadership to be involved in this area and we will move forward by faith. You may want to be a part of GWM, Inc. to this area of the world, or you may want to sponsor GWM, South and Central America......or our upcoming work through GWM, well as many other areas. How can you help? Simple, pray for us and help us as the Lord leads.

Reaching the un-reached,

gordon montgomery<><
founder/president GWM,Inc.

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