Thursday, September 4, 2008

Taking the Gospel In

Here we are taking the Gospel to a village on the Mamore' River in Bolivia. A very hard place to get to, but not impossible. This village, like many others has no church of any kind. Some of these villages have 20 people, some have over 400.....AND NO CHURCH......i can hardly stand it. my heart is broken for these people and many others like them all over where there is no Church. Please pray for these people. Pray for them earnestly. Pray that we could return to them in the next month and do as we promised.....start a mission work that will eventually be a church. It is both urgent and imperative that we do. Pray and ask God to show you your part in starting this new Church where there is none.
Thank you for your love and support that enables us to go to remote, responsive areas of the world and give them Jesus!

i love you,

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