Sunday, June 22, 2008

8 Days and Counting

In 8 days i will, along with John Michael Poulin, board a flight bound for Bolivia, South America to spend 11 days on the Amazon River on a boat preaching Jesus to as many villages as we can in the time we have there. Why am i so excited about this trip? Because i love missions.....and because of that, i want to thank God for my my good friend and brother Ray Cox and his wife Angie for being used of God early in our lives in the area of missions. Dr. Cox took me on my very first mission trip in 1991 to Bolivia.....i never got over all that God did in me on that first trip. Since then God has led me half way around the world preaching the Gospel. i pray i never get over it........Thanks Dr. and Mrs Cox for investing in us. We love you!

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