Thursday, June 19, 2008

950 Miles Down River

If you were to drive 950 miles across the USA; and you were to count all of the Evangelical churches along the way, the numbers would be staggering. If you were to take a 950 mile boat trip down the Amazon river and look for the same thing, you would, or should be heartbroken that these people, who God loves and Jesus died for, have little or no gospel witness, let a lone an organized church....i'm not talking brick, mortar and Chandeliers.....i'm talking about the body of believers along with a man that God raises up to lead these people in these ares where a new mission point is established. That is the heartbeat of what Go World Missions, Inc. attempts to do every time we set out on all mission endeavors. And we will be doing it again on the 30th of June-12th of July. A 950+ mile boat trip down the Bolivian Amazon trying to reach as many of the 37 newly located villages in the Beni(near Brazil), Cochabamba, and Chapare areas. God has tremendously blessed us with nearly all of the funds for the relief we will be taking to these people. We will take each village much needed food, clean water, and medicine. Their villages have been ravaged by recent flooding. Many have died. Many remain sick in need of medicine. We will feed them...give them clean water, and our doctor will give them medicine as needed....and then we will joyfully give them The Bread of Life and The Living Water! And we will be able to tell them how that one day all of the food and water that we have brought will be used up and gone, but Jesus THE LIVING WATER is Forever! This will no doubt be an on going ministry to these areas for Go World Missions, Inc. Pray for me and John Michael Poulin (who will accompany me on this trip....a MABTS Graduate) as we team up with the BMA of America, David Flores, and 7 other crew members of this wonderful boat named "Rivers of Blessing".

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