Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Passion of my Heart

John Falconer described the passion of my heart when he said:
"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light." i have yet to hear a statement more true to the mission and ministry of my heart. God instilled that passion in me. Do i love people here?.....absolutely. Do i witness here?....every chance i you? Why do i go to remote foreign places to preach the gospel and help plant churches? The only reason: This is what God has told me to do. Here in the US, there are solid evangelical churches everywhere. Plenty of folks to daily share what God has done in them through the Lord Jesus Christ. So with all of the churches and Christians packed together here in the US.....surely this is the most evangelized place in the God sends people out....out to places where there are no churches, few Christians if Bella Flor in Bolivia....a village of over 400 and NO CHURCH. i don't know what that does to others, all i know is the Holy Spirit moves me to respond to His call to go help plant a church there so that from out of this village, and others like it that are covered in darkness....a Light will Shine.....The Light of the World.....Jesus!! Yea.......that's Him.

Saddle up,


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