Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Praise the Lord......71 Saved!

(above).....12 saved at a school including the Teacher and several workers. This is one of our new mission Points!

(below).....Another Mission Point!
4 saved in a village with no church. Plans are being made to change that!
Good Morning.... We are back from Bolivia with great news...Over 300 people received much needed medical attention and food....and out of those, by far most importantly........71 came to know Christ personally as Savior. Hallelujah!!!! We have 3 new Mission points with which to work with. One in particular named Bella Flor (Beautiful Flower) has over 50 families living there......and no church....nothing.....the only Christians there were a man and his wife....they were crying and begging us to help them......they said we could have part of their land if we would come and start a need to ask twice. Prayers and plans are being made right now to see this come to reality within the next couple of months. Thanks to all of you who are a part of Go World Missions, Inc. Thanks for being a conduit to all that God is doing in South America and the world through prayers and support of Church Planting in responsive areas of the world.

Reaching the Un-reached,


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