Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Passion of my Heart

John Falconer described the passion of my heart when he said:
"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light." i have yet to hear a statement more true to the mission and ministry of my heart. God instilled that passion in me. Do i love people here?.....absolutely. Do i witness here?....every chance i you? Why do i go to remote foreign places to preach the gospel and help plant churches? The only reason: This is what God has told me to do. Here in the US, there are solid evangelical churches everywhere. Plenty of folks to daily share what God has done in them through the Lord Jesus Christ. So with all of the churches and Christians packed together here in the US.....surely this is the most evangelized place in the God sends people out....out to places where there are no churches, few Christians if Bella Flor in Bolivia....a village of over 400 and NO CHURCH. i don't know what that does to others, all i know is the Holy Spirit moves me to respond to His call to go help plant a church there so that from out of this village, and others like it that are covered in darkness....a Light will Shine.....The Light of the World.....Jesus!! Yea.......that's Him.

Saddle up,


Friday, July 25, 2008

God's Heart.........all people

Amazing!! Where God Guides, He Provides. i have heard that phrase many times and not really been in a desperate enough situation to where i had to totally believe that biblical principle.....until now......i mean really now. If you don't know already, i want to share with you how truly amazing God is. He is everything we need. Every thing we could possibly ever have need of is in Him. The all Sufficient One, Jehovah Jireh, The God Who Provides.

Since March 2008, over 300 families have received food and medical attention through the ministry of Go World Missions, Inc. All of it: God's Provision. He has provided all of the food, medicine, literature, Bibles, Tracts etc... for all of His works. The best that since March 2008, God has given us 109 new believers in Jesus Christ and 3 new mission points in which to help plant churches. Food and Medicine, literature.......all important, but never to be a substitute for the Gospel being shared with all who will hear. i thank God for His favor on this ministry.

So, ya see, you can, "jump out there in the middle of nothing"......that is where faith is!!!....... and having heard God's voice clearly before jumping you can be assured to land right in the middle of His Sovereign plan. It's all about people.....God's heart is people.....His most loved and cherished commodity. Oh, that we should all have a heart like that!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Praise the Lord......71 Saved!

(above).....12 saved at a school including the Teacher and several workers. This is one of our new mission Points!

(below).....Another Mission Point!
4 saved in a village with no church. Plans are being made to change that!
Good Morning.... We are back from Bolivia with great news...Over 300 people received much needed medical attention and food....and out of those, by far most importantly........71 came to know Christ personally as Savior. Hallelujah!!!! We have 3 new Mission points with which to work with. One in particular named Bella Flor (Beautiful Flower) has over 50 families living there......and no church....nothing.....the only Christians there were a man and his wife....they were crying and begging us to help them......they said we could have part of their land if we would come and start a need to ask twice. Prayers and plans are being made right now to see this come to reality within the next couple of months. Thanks to all of you who are a part of Go World Missions, Inc. Thanks for being a conduit to all that God is doing in South America and the world through prayers and support of Church Planting in responsive areas of the world.

Reaching the Un-reached,
