Saturday, December 20, 2008

7 Days Until D.R. Trip. Click on Picture to Enlarge it.

These are exciting days for Go World Missions, Inc. We are only a few short days away from embarking on a journey to the Dominican Republic. We will arrive late on the 27th of December and our work begins early on the 28th with training leaders in evangelism from 8am-12pm every day. After lunch at 1pm, we will take the training to the streets (every day)to apply what was learned in the morning sessions. Then every person we speak to will not only hear the Gospel, but will also be invited to open air preaching every night in 8 different preaching points around Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Gospel will be taught and shared and preached many times in the course of this 10 day trip. It will be preached loud and clear in their own language, so i ask for your prayers for me to preach clearly the Word of God. Pray for a massive harvest of souls. i wish no one would depart this life and be separated for all eternity in hell.....the price has been paid....i pray people will respond to God's invitation and come and become brand new!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

This is an awesome work and I pray for God to bless it and all those involved! Love & Prayers, Marcie Stone