Saturday, January 10, 2009

81 Saved in Dominican Republic......Praise God!

81 saved! One of them; an 86 year old awesome God is! When a person is that age, the probability of them being saved is small, but God opened his ears and heart to the truth of the Gospel and he put his faith in Jesus and was gloriously saved.

Pray for the people of the Dominican Republic. This is one of the poorest places i have ever been. Also, it is one of the more sin sick areas of the world i hve ever been to as well. People need the Lord........and that is so evident in this country. There is alot of voodoo, witchcraft, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, and much corruption.......the answer......Jesus.

We went to a poor. There is a photo below of me with two little boys who are barely clothed and covered in dirt. Neither had eaten that day......GWM, Inc. was able to change that by trucking in enough food for the village for a week. i left them with the message which says: "This food will one day run out.....but Jesus Christ is Forever". Many responded that day to the Gospel, and we thank God for His drawing them to Himself. Please keep this village in your prayers.

Friday, January 2, 2009

38 saved on New Years Eve........9 More on New Years Day! 47 so far!

Greetings and Happy New Year from the Dominican Republic. i cannot talk long...the internet here is almost non existent. i have found the Man of Peace here in this little town called Tamayo. His name is Augusto. We are making strong relations to return and begin a church here where there is NO Baptist Church. The Mormons are here and the Jehovahs Witnesses as well, but no strong teaching, preaching, Baptist Church. it will be no easy task because the devil lives here and he hates everything we have attempted to do. It will take a while to report to you about this trip. Thank you for your prayers....please continue....we are in a dark place....but safe in El Mano de Dios (the hand of God). Your giving has made the difference in so many lives here.....thank you. We are going to one of the poorest places i have ever seen again this afternoon and we will give them food today, but most of all, we will give them Jesus!......Pray for me as i share the messge of Hope with these people.........
i have tons of photos, but i cannot upload them from here....sorry. Look for the video when i return. Thank you again for your love for the lost and support of this ministry. Together we can win the lost to Jesus.

i love you all,