Saturday, February 12, 2011

There really is a difference between someone who is mission-minded and someone who is mission-hearted. Far too often in our society churches proclaim to love missions and pretend to play an active part in financing the Great Commission. But as the old timers used to say, “The proof is in the pudding.” If one were to take a look at the budget and the books, they would find a great inconsistency of character. While on one hand churches say they truly support missions, they are forevermore spending overwhelmingly more on themselves than they actually give to the Lord’s work of missions. They may well call themselves a local church with a “mind” for missions. But they most certainly cannot say that they have a “heart” for missions. Jesus said in Mathew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there will your HEART be also.” It works on a personal as well as a collective level. Whatever a church spends the most of its resources on, is exactly what it loves and emphasizes the most. For many, that would be buildings, bills, banquets and bulletins. While all of these are certainly expenses, and we should make sure everything is First Class for our Lord, they are only a means to an end of getting the Gospel around the world. May we as God’s people never lose sight of the fact that the mission of the local church is local church missions. The following statements are twenty-one simple ways to make a local church mission program absolutely explode and move forward in our race to reach others for Christ. All of the points will begin with the letter “E” to provide uniformity and easy remembrance.
1. EMPHASIZE MISSIONS OFTEN. There are many ways to accomplish this task. Bringing in missionaries to speak and share their burden is the most effective. Indeed you have to be selective because of the great volume of missionaries available, but bringing them before the people on a regular basis will give the congregation a sense of burden and passion for others. Mention missions often in announcements and certainly in the bulletin. A good idea is too have missions’ pictures in the bulletin or on the wall if you use announcement screens. People will emphasize whatever their Pastor emphasizes. They will not be enthusiastic about missions if the Pastor isn’t. Because missions primarily deals with money, it must be dealt with biblically and regularly. Find imaginative ways to emphasize missions. It is the life blood of any thriving church. As Oswald Smith once said, “If you have a sick church, put it on a missionary diet.”
2. EXPOSE THE CONGREGATION TO THE FIELD. There is absolutely NO better way to give a church a heart for missions than to actually take them there. A slide show, a tearful story and a few missionary prayer cards will only go so far and only do so much. However, when people can see for themselves. When they can eat the food, smell the smell and experience involvement with the people, that is what will get the hook in their mouth. Any church of any size can save up and raise the money necessary to get their people on the field. It ought to be a staff requirement in every local church to go on a mission’s trip with the Pastor and see firsthand what the Lord is doing around the world.
3. EXTRAVAGANTLY GIVE TO MISSIONS AS A CHURCH. You will notice that I did not say to tip missions or just make it a simple line item in the budget. We should train folks to go over and above the Lord’s tithe and amazingly give to the work of the Lord. A church should be willing to give great volumes of its own income to missionary causes and let the people know publicly and dogmatically that it should be done that way. A church cannot proclaim to be a true New Testament church unless it is extravagant in the way it handles the giving away of financial resources. In the Book of Acts, they even sold their homes to meet the needs of others. Many hide behind the old cliché, “Well, there is a fine line between faith and foolishness.” I for one believe that the line is so fine, it is actually non-existent. A church could never over give or even come close to giving too much money away to missions. I can promise you that at the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will not fret over having given too much. But many will be greatly rebuked for having given far too little. At least one Sunday a year, and preferably much more often, a church should give its entire Sunday offerings to missions. I mean every tithe, every check, all the cash and change and it should all go to a missions work. We don’t think that way because it is against our nature. But it is most assuredly not against the Word of God. If a church cannot operate on faith, then it shouldn’t operate at all!
4. EXPOSITIONALY PREACH ON MANY MISSIONS PASSAGES. The Pastor should consistently preach on missions themes throughout the Bible. If he has difficulty in finding them, he ought to reconsider his current status as a preacher. They are all over the pages of the Book. Whatever the Pastor continually emphasizes from the pulpit will become the energy and character that drives the church ahead. Dealing with mission-hearted messages once a year during the annual mission’s conference will only force people into a quick view of missions and I can promise that the conference will be the least attended of any during the year. The Great Commission and our financial responsibility to it must be preached on and thundered from the pulpit on a regular basis. People must hear, see and know before they can be expected to get heavily involved.
5. EDIFY MISSIONARIES THROUGH THE CHURCH CONGREGATION. The people of the church should be actively involved in encouraging and ministering to their missionaries. They need to be taught to communicate by phone, e-mail and especially cards and letters. When the congregation feels as if they are a part of a ministry, then and only then, will they do their part for that ministry. Don’t just send a few checks overseas and expect an overnight heart for missions. It takes work, concern, compassion and total church involvement. And on a side note: DO NOT put leftover junk in the mission’s closet and expect people to develop a love for missionaries.
6. EXALT MISSIONS ABOVE BILLS AND BUILDINGS. If the church shifts its focus from reaching the world to just staying afloat. Then, it will never reach the world and always feel as if it is barely getting by. Bills should never be the primary reason for taking up money in a church. People need to be taught to give to the vision of the church and not to the needs. Now meeting the needs will ultimately lead to fulfilling the vision. But people grow weary of giving just to keep the lights on. If missions is exalted and held high, then God will pay the bills. This is no doubt an attitude of faith, but isn’t that what Christianity is all about. If we will get busy about financing the Kingdom of God, He will surely be busy paying the bills when they come due. You will always get what you go after. And if a missions-hearted church is what you want, then missions MUST be made the primary focus of the finances.
7. EQUIP THE CHURCH WITH A GENEROUS LIFESTYLE. Generosity is not what we do; it is in essence who we are. If people are consistently taught the giving principles of the Word of God, it will change the way they do business. If a person is taught to tithe, and be benevolent with their funds, then missions is an automatic fit. If the congregation will just be boldly led down a path of daily generosity in every area of their life, then the missions program will not be forced upon them. It will be a welcome reminder of their responsibility to world-wide evangelization. As individuals, we have heard for years that you simply cannot out give God. If that be true, and it certainly is, then why not teach an entire church to believe it and practice it as a local body. Now, generosity is something that must be modeled. As the saying goes, “its better caught than taught.” True generosity is the key to unlocking the financial bondage of materialistic church members.
8. EXAMINE THROUGHLY WHERE THE MONEY GOES. It will not do a church much good just to throw the Lords’ money in any direction that they feel is a worthy cause. We must be wise in how we spend as well as how we give God’s money. Getting to know the missionaries first hand is a great way to weed out the phonies and filter the resources in the right direction. We should give money where we know that it will not only be used properly but also where it will bring forth the most fruit that may abound to our account. In order for a church to reap properly, they must at some time have sown properly. Find the best soil and sink the seed there!
9. EMERGE AS THE LEADER AND THE CHURCH WILL FOLLOW. This point is primarily for the Pastor. It is time that Pastor’s take spiritual responsibility for their sheep and lead the way that the New Testament teaches them to. The Pastor is the “pace-setter” in the church. If the vision fails, it is because he did not sharpen his leadership. If a church is to reach out to the community and on to the world, then the Pastor MUST take full responsibility for the outcome. In every major step of faith, there is risk. A man that will never take a risk is a small thinker, and small thinkers are not men with a vision from God. The Pastor needs to take the reins under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and move forward in the area of missions if he desires the people to follow. Congregationally ruled churches are man-made and ARE NOT taught in the New Testament. Bold and Biblical leadership is not to be confused with dictatorship. People have problems following a man that has no real sense of direction. But when they find a man that fears only God and knows where he is headed, then they will follow by the multitudes and take on his vision. A Pastor does not attract who he wants. He will always attract who he is. As goes the leader, so goes the church. Lead my friend, in the area of missions, and the people will no doubt follow.
10. EXPECT PEOPLE TO MAKE COMMITMENTS AND THEN TO FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THEM. We have swallowed the belief that people don’t want expectations placed upon them. That is simply not true. People desire to be taught, and even more so desire the practical truth of how to apply that teaching. When it comes to giving, and in particular giving to missions, people must be made aware of the great need and then given an opportunity to respond to that need. After a commitment is made, it needs to be stressed and addressed often that God expects us to keep our word to him as well as to others. People often say, “Folks don’t always do what you expect, rather what you inspect.” If you do expect things of people, then you must inspect how they are doing in regards to their commitment. Many churches call this type of commitment to missions a Faith Promise. I call it “The Missions Challenge”. Whatever tag you place upon it, it is certainly a Scriptural principle.
11. EXAMPLE FAITH IN YOUR OWN LIFE AS THE LEADER. The Bible gives us many examples of those who exercised great faith. The Lord understands that we need examples of those who have gone on before us in order to be motivated ourselves. If the Pastor and leadership of a church do not step out in absolute faith, then there is no reason to wonder why the congregation never does. People are people, and by very nature they must see something working in someone else’s life before they are willing to jump on board and go full force themselves. There are forty verses in Hebrews chapter eleven that show all of us just what God can do with those that truly trust Him. Faith is not forced. It has to be fed by example. If the leadership will exemplify great faith, then those who follow will naturally do the same.
12. ENLARGE THE AMOUNTS THAT ARE GIVEN. The best philosophy for a good and rock solid missions program is not more missionaries for less money, but fewer missionaries for more money. So many churches around the country send tiny little checks to missionaries and then brag about how many missionaries they support on a monthly basis. It’s not how many you support that matters. What matters is what is being done with the money that is reaching the most amount of people. Ten, twenty-five or even fifty dollars a month in today’s economy just isn’t going to pay the expenses, much less make mission work as effective as it should be. Churches should intensely focus on a few major works and help them be all they can be for the glory of God. This would also lead to churches supporting their own sent out missionaries with full support in order that they may quickly get to the field and not waste three to five years and countless thousands of dollars on the deputation trail.
13. ENCOURAGE THE MEMBERS TO READ MISSIONS BOOKS. One of the greatest blessings that a Christian will ever experience is reading about the great trials and blessings of other faithful followers of Christ. There are volumes of missionary biographies that will enhance ones passion for missions as well as sharpen their vision for stewardship in that area. Children need to be taught to read the lives of great men and women of God. Pastors should highly encourage the congregation to read books about missions and missionaries. The church library or bookstore should be a storehouse of mission’s material for people to devour. People really do want to learn, they just need lots of “prodding” and encouragement along the way. If we expect people to get the picture, then we have got to paint it for them.
14. ERECT A CHANGE FOUNTAIN AND CALL IT A “MISSIONS WELL.” All over the world you will find fountains that are full of change because folks have been told to make a wish and throw in some coins. Why not place a change fountain in the lobby of the church and put a sign on it that reads, “Quit your wishins and give to missions.” It is a very effective way to keep the theme before the people at all times as well as adding up all the pocket change from around the house. Children will love it and before you know it, hundreds of dollars will have been thrown into the “mission well.” Besides, a nice looking fountain will greatly add to the décor of a church building.
15. EMBRACE YOUR PASSION FOR MISSIONS AND DO NOT LET UP. Repetition is the key to learning, and indeed missions must be repeated often and probably in every service. People will give to what they are the most passionate about. Passion is something that drives an individual to greatness. If we desire to have a great and exciting missions program, then we must get serious about creating passionate believers. At the beginning, passion must be pushed and forced. But in a very short amount of time the momentum will be out of control and passion will ooze out of the entire congregation. Don’t let up. Don’t stop. Don’t give in to the critics. Stay strong, direct and passionate. It will work!
16. ENHANCE THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ANNUAL MISSIONS CONFERENCE. It is a shame that the least effective and most unattended meeting in most churches is the mission’s conference. It is almost an afterthought in many churches and there is no real preparation before and certainly no passion during the meeting. I for one believe that the mission’s conference is the most important meeting of the entire year. The revivals are extremely important. The Bible conferences are wonderful. But the mission’s conference allows the congregation to sense the heartbeat of God and to put into practice what they have learned and gotten right about in the other meetings. It cannot be overstated that this conference needs to be first class in every way and that missionaries should leave the meeting literally begging to come back to the hosting church. Missionaries have given up their entire lives to serve behind the scenes in some remote area of the world and when they are with us for a conference they should be treated as if they were royalty. Let people know that the annual mission’s conference is not a series of fund-raising services. It is an all important time to see the world as God sees it. People will get behind the missions program in a big way if the conference is a highlight and not a burden.
17. ENLIST PEOPLE FOR MISSIONS AND TRAIN THEM WELL. It is the responsibility of the local church to see that their people are discipled and trained properly. Whether that means personal one on one or sending some off to a good Bible College, people must be trained. Most churches are far to concerned with their seating capacity, when they had better get concerned over their sending capacity. If a church is never reproducing itself in the lives of others then something is gravely wrong. It should not be our desire to just be the largest church in the area. We should be consumed with training our own and sending them to the uttermost parts of the world. It should be preached on repeatedly and when asking for volunteers, the church may be surprised as to the ones who answer the call.
18. EMPOWER YOUR MISSIONS PROGRAM THROUGH EARNEST PRAYER FOR YOUR MISSIONARIES. The Bible teaches us that the “effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” The word “availeth” means to accomplish. If we desire a dynamic mission’s program to accomplish much for the glory of God, then we must earnestly pray. The people should often be encouraged to fervently pray for the needs of their own individual missionaries. Their names should not just be placed in a prayer bulletin and casually glanced at or mentioned from the pulpit. People must know the needs in order to feel as if they are a part of them. Our prayer services should be of New Testament proportions. We should call out the names, reveal the needs and take special time to cry out to God for what needs to be done. Once people get a taste and a glimpse of answered prayer, there will be no turning back to carnal and cold religion.
19. EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE MADE A VITAL AND ACTIVE PART. There should not be one single person within the church that does not know about the great need of missions. But not only should they be aware of it. They should consistently participate in doing something about it. Every child, every senior citizen, every staff member, every volunteer and certainly every family should be told of their God given obligation to reach the world for Christ. Missions is not to be stressed to the select few in the church that seem to have money. Missions have always been carried forth by the widow’s mite more than the businessman’s millions. Let everyone know of their personal responsibility and then expect all of them to do their part. If the Pastor will go missions crazy, then so will the church. There is absolutely no exception to this rule!
20. EMBARK ON A JOURNEY TO REACH THE WORLD AS IF YOUR CHURCH IS THE ONLY ONE DOING ANYTHING AT ALL. Treat the missions program as if no other church in the world has one. Now, we understand that there are other great churches that have a heart for missions. But teach people to give to world evangelism as though the others do not exist. If we teach our people that everyone else is doing it to, then they will be glad to let them. It is our responsibility to do our part regardless of what anyone else is doing. We ought to rejoice at what others do for missions. But may we never get comfortable with what they have done. If we do, then we are already comfortable with what we have done. We will never do enough no matter what we give. Let’s roll up our sleeves and work like no one has ever done it before.
21. ENVISION HOW YOU CAN DO MORE NEXT YEAR. A wise man once said that, “If you never have goals, you will reach them every time.” A church needs to set some major goals for their missions program and then follow through with them. However, we should always be looking toward the future. Contentment is bred when we get used to what we are doing or feel too good about what we have already done. We need to press forward and dream big. What we are doing now may be good or in the eyes of some even great. But what we follow through with tomorrow should be even greater. The world is cursed with small thinkers. Those who never dream big and trust God to do miracles will never do much. And they will certainly never make a dent in world evangelization. We must plan our work and work our plan. Let us commit to doing more than we have every dreamed of doing. I trust that these principles will serve as a daily reminder to the real mission of the church. To some they will seem all too simple and to others they will seem ridiculous. But for those with a heart for missions, not merely a mindset, they will be refreshing points to ponder to overwhelmingly increase the giving as well as the spiritual temperature of a strong local church missions program. May God give us a vision bigger than ourselves.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Beautiful Feet Campaign

This Thanksgiving GWM will be traveling once again to several barrios in Peru. We will be giving away 1000 pairs of brand new socks and shoes to many who have great need for them. Our prayer as always is that God will use the socks and shoes as a tool to open the hearts of people to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and turn to Him as Lord of their lives. The new believers will then begin meeting every week with an assigned leader who will begin discipleship training so that not only will there sprout up a new mission point....but there will be new solid followers of Christ who will reproduce themselves again and again.